Fuentes Elementary fourth grader Imani Jordan recently won an autographed book from author Ana Rodriguez. Rodriguez visited Kyle Elementary and Hemphill Elementary before finishing her local stay at Fuentes. Imani’s title choice for her prize was “Secret of the Puking Penguins.” (Photo by Jim Cullen)
When Fuentes Elementary School’s Alma Medina learned non-fiction writer Ana Maria Rodriguez was available for school visits, she quickly decided to invite the prolific writer to her campus.
School libraries don’t have the necessary funds to bring authors to the district, but fundraisers such as annual book fairs help. Fuentes, Kyle and Hemphill Elementary shared the cost of the author’s visit, bringing her to each campus. To witness Rodriguez work with students at Fuentes, it was clear the investment was wise.
Rodriguez told students of her international life story, her higher education, of coming to the United States and, ultimately, her interests in the natural world – and writing about that world. The lesson was, of course, on the natural history about which Rodriguez writes. She described in vivid detail the life of sea mammals’ adaptations and ecosystems, linking her books’ topics with local science curriculum being studied this spring.
But, while the lesson was on natural science, another unspoken lesson was unfolding, the engaging author a living example of a professional person enjoying a career course of writing in the sciences. The exposure to such professionals is part of the motivation in having them visit. And to that possibility, the three-campus program served its purpose well.
Rodriguez ended each of her programs fielding questions from her appreciative audiences before conducting a drawing for an autographed copy of one of her books. For more information on the prolific writer, a resident of the Houston–Clear Lake area, visit