Buda Bits
It really did snow in Buda! Big beautiful flakes came down for about 30 minutes on Tuesday around the noon hour.
There is a new baby girl at home in the Buda Methodist Parsonage. Clare Olivia was born Thursday, February 25, at 3 p.m. Proud parents are Buda Methodist Minister Teresa Wellborn and Paul Harper. Mom, dad and baby are all doing great.
Isabel Hemby, a 2006 graduate of Hays High School and Magna Cum Laude 2009 graduate of Texas A&M Corpus Christi, left the first day of March for Morocco. Hemby is a member of the U.S. Peace Corps. With a degree in Environmental Science, she plans to work with national and local officials and groups on environmental issues in Morocco for the next two years. Parents, Michael and Mary Hemby of Buda, family and friends all wish her the best.
Congratulations go out to Pack 218 Webelos II members Colton Hayes, Ryan Phillips, Ryan Thompson, Ryan Goodwin, Sean Moore and Aidan Carter. They received their Arrow of Light award on Feb. 20th at the Blue and Gold dinner held at Elm Grove Elementary School. This award is the highest a Cub Scout can earn as he moves into Boy Scouts.
The senior citizens in the Buda community are asking for your support of their non-profit organization by attending their auction and lunch on Thursday, March 11. The live auction starts at 10:45 a.m. and lunch will be served at 12:15 p.m. for a cost of $7. The Onion Creek Senior Citizens Center is located at the corner of Barton’s Crossing and FM 2770 in Buda (behind the Justice of the Peace office).
Birthdays wishes go out to Donnie Haffelder and Roger Wolfe on March 5; Herb Brown, Horace Fletcher and Dee Sibert on March 6; Joe Flores on March 7; Julie Gibbs on March 9; and six-year-old Michael Wayne Dees on March 10.
Thinking about making a run for the Buda City Council or Hays School Board? Better hurry, filing deadline for the May 8th election closes on March 8th at 5 p.m. Early voting will get started on April 26 and end on May 4.
The truck by-pass bridge over IH 35 has gone out for bid. The pink brick house on Main Street near the railroad tracks may soon be home to a new day care center. A new business is open in downtown Buda… Windwalker Primitive Weapons. It is located behind the Carrington House. Stop by and welcome them to our town.
Rumor has it that the old post office building in downtown Buda will soon be sold…more to come.