Buda Bits
If you are reading this early on Thursday, you still have time to come down to the Onion Creek Senior Citizens annual event today. The ever-popular auction starts at 10:45 a.m., followed by lunch at 12:15.
A group of parents from both Buda and Elm Grove elementary schools are busy getting the PTA organized for the new Carpenter Hill Elementary School that will open this fall. The parents will have a general membership meeting on Tues., March 30 at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria at Elm Grove. All interested parents are invited to attend.
A private lending company plans to open offices in the old downtown post office building. Texas Property Works, LP, a company that offers student loans, has purchased the site.
Birthday wishes go out to Scott Bailey on March 11; 5-year-old Lawrence Dean Haberer on March 12; Cindi Hudson on March 13; Mac Freeman and Garry Vacek on March 16.
It’s that time again, when we spring forward and set our clocks ahead one hour on Sun., March 14. Maybe the weather will also start to feel more like springtime in Texas with some warmer days and nights.
Wear your green next Wed. in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, even if you are not Irish, you can drink green beer and party like you are.
Spring break is next week for our schools. Have a safe one.