Staff Reports
Kyle City officials are blaming a “technical issue” for problems with the online posting of Tuesday’s city council meeting agenda.
The city is required, under the Open Meetings Act, to post a copy of the agenda online and a hard copy at the city hall 72 hours prior to public meetings. If they fail to do so, the public meeting would be deemed improper and should be cancelled.
“There was a technical issue with the vendor that provides the service,” Kyle spokesperson Jerry Hendrix said Monday.
Hendrix said that the agenda was posted online by 6 p.m. on Friday. The agenda was online sporadically through the weekend but was periodically unavailable.
City officials remained adamant that it was a technical issue, not human error.
“We believe that we are not in violation of the Open Meetings Act,” Hendrix said.
On Tuesday, the city council plans to tackle a workshop meeting regarding next year’s budget at 6:30 p.m., followed by the regular city council meeting. Kyle’s public agendas can be found at