Democratic Convention
More than 100 citizens elected from the Buda-Kyle area at precinct meetings held March 2 are delegates to the Hays County Democratic Convention which begins at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Wimberley Activity Center.
Congressman Lloyd Doggett is scheduled to speak at noon, and afternoon activities include appearances by the Democratic nominees who were chosen to face Republican aspirants at the November general election. Delegates to represent Hays County at the State Democratic Convention this summer will also be elected.
In a move to unify the party, outgoing County Judge Liz Sumter is expected to be chosen to serve as the convention chair. Katie Moore of Buda is the permanent county chair.
Selected as delegates from Northern Hays were: Precinct 223 (Old Town Kyle) Paula Alvarez, Ron Barrera, Bob Barton, Wynette Barton, Samantha Bellows, Joe Campos, Barbara Carlson, Ruben Garza, Genest Harding, Abby Hurst, Adell Hurst, Lila Knight, Maria McLain, Rebecca Miles, Chris Nieto, Bradley Pickett, Maria Rocha, Jaime Sanchez, Becky Selbera, Elidia Serna, Brenda Stewart, Jane Stoub, Amy Sullivant, David Wilson and Ed Winn.
Chosen from Buda were Eileen Altmiller, Sue Bellows, Kara Bishop, Jen Biundo, Connie Freeman, Darrin Diggs, Leonard Diggs, Janice Kearley, Graham Moore, Katie Moore, Raquel Najera, Liliana Ramirez, Todd Ruge, Elizabeth Sullivant, Sandra Tenorio and Sandra Twidwell.
Mountain City area delegates are Cyndy Barton, Jeff Barton, Deborah Broadway, James Broadway, Eddy Etheredge, Mary Etheredge, Kim Fry, Mike Fry, Calvin Kirkham, Jane Kirkham, Ed Mears, Angie Mendez, Beth Nelson, Martha Nelson, Ignacio Rodriguez, Linda Rodriguez, Priscilla Rodriguez, Theresa Schwartz, Dan Slovak, Beth Smith, Glennis Taylor, Lee Taylor and Olga Tenorio.
Delegates from Precinct 226, west of Buda, are Judith Burns, William Burns, Georgia Cunningham, Sarah Duke, Robert Elder, Donna Haschke, Jeff Kaufmann, Stanley Kojodzey, Ross Lohman, Mahlin Musgrave, Pam Nelson and Craig Smith.
Chosen from Precinct 227, on the east side of Kyle, were Ned Arcides, Michelle Arriaga, Nancy Fahy, Leah Glossbrenner, Diane Hervol, Michelle Lopez, Paige Peschong, Thomas Peschong, Lydia Serna, Greg Swarny and Gulliermo Tenorio.
Buda area residents from Precinct 228 are Jorge Anchondo, Theresa Bomberger, Charlotte Focht, Dahlia Garza, C. W. Guerrero, Estella Guerrero, Richard Harlow, Virginia Harlow, Lauren Nichols, Olivares Santiago and Barbara Vinson.
Buda area residents who live west of FM 1626 who are delegates are Jeff Coffee, Faye Hancock, Gayle Hudgens, David Kettler and Robert Park.
Republican Convention
Hays County Republicans will convene at 10 a.m. this Saturday morning at Fuentes Elementary School in Kyle to elect delegates to the State Party Convention this summer and conduct other party business as Texas heads into a general election in early November.
Among those chosen to be delegates were 50 party members from the 11 Buda and Kyle area precincts, along with 20 alternates. In addition to routine party business, the group will also vote on a variety of resolutions that, if adopted, will be sent on to the state convention for consideration by that gathering.
Delegates selected at party caucus meetings held after the polls closed March 2 include Ernest Abieta, Cheryl McMillin and Joanne Hoag from Precinct 127 in Kyle, Douglas Kadjar and Paul Terry from the Plum Creek precinct, Jonathan Saenz, Corrie Saenz, Ian Schmehl, and Melissa Roush from the Buda box, and Linda Dunn, Robert Ronson, Maureen Ronson, Rachel Ronson, Blaine Brunson, Barbara Coldwell, Carl Clauss, Roscoe Weatherford, Eleanor Weatherford, Daniel Harper, William Taylor, Jeffrey Hudgins, Kym Navarro, Terry Hauptrief, DeAnn Hauptrief, William Cecrle, Stuart Hoyt, Gwen Hoyt, John Ambrose and Jackie Craig, all from the voting box that includes the Mountain City area.
Others from North Hays County who were chosen include Carol Childress, John Childress, Kent Wymore III, County Chair Bud Wymore, Mary Wymore, Christie Pogue, Zachary Pogue, Byron Pogue, Maribel Hagen, Brad Hagen, Loren Wilber, Darlene Wilber and Emilie Sandoval from Precinct 226, which includes the Leisurewoods area.
Also James Williams, Carrie Williams and Ruben Lopez from east of IH-35 Kyle precinct, and Jack Caraway and Luanne Caraway from Precinct 229; and Joseph Collins, Thomas Doebner and Barbara Doebner from Precinct 230 west of Buda.
Apparently no precinct conventions were held in either Precinct 223 (Old Town Kyle), or Precinct 228 (east of Buda).