On Center Street
Texas weather. Even though I was born and raised here, it still makes my head spin. I think I might have jinxed us, though. Like washing your car or leaving the charcoal out by the grill and making it rain, I pulled out all of the girls’ summer clothes last week and packed away the sweaters. I knew we were in trouble in the middle of the night when the storm blew in and my lab, Ginger, felt the need to sleep directly underneath my pillow. I could not believe how cold it was when we headed out to Wimberley for the Hays County Democratic Convention Saturday morning. I think it turned the energy up a notch and made folks a little frisky. We had a really good turnout and agreed on resolutions ranging from non-discrimination to more reality-based consequences for marijuana possession to supporting an end to the war. It was very cool to be a part of that political process.
A little closer to home and absolutely nonpartisan, the final Comprehensive Plan meeting is this Thursday night at Lehman High School at 6:30 p.m. It’s your last chance to chime in on the priorities you think the city should have and to help shape the future of Kyle. Please join your neighbors and elected officials in making this last meeting the most powerful.
Don’t forget that school’s back in session, so hang up and slow down. Mark your calendars for a temporary return of the Old Town Gift Emporium the first weekend in April. The Hawns have emptied their vaults and will be hosting a massive estate/antique/kitsch sale right across the square from the first Kyle Market Days of the season. Easter weekend is shaping up to be pretty dang festive.