Odds & Ends
Work has begun on the K&J Woodworks, located between Old Spanish Trail and FM 2720. Because of rain and wet grounds, work has been delayed several times. The community welcomes the manufacturing company that builds cabinets for grocery stores, banks, doctor’s offices, etc. They will be located next to Five Star Cement and behind the Bon Ton Market.
JoAnn Tanzer, choir director for St. John (Missouri) Lutheran Church, is looking for more singers to sing in the choir on Easter Sunday. Several have practiced and sound great; a few more voices will be welcome. Come next Sunday and practice after the l0:30 a.m. services. Easter Sunday services will be at 7 a.m. followed by a continental breakfast.
Don’t forget the Easter Egg Hunt and party at St. John on Sat., March 27 at the Rec Center on the church grounds. Fry’s Fun Farm will be there for the children to enjoy. Activities start at 1 p.m.
Mark your calendar for April 24 as a reminder for the meeting of the Uhland Live Oak Cemetery Association at the Immanuel Baptist Church on FM 150 at 11 a.m. Bring a salad or dessert and join the members for lunch and take part in the annual meeting. Please notify members of your family, as not all are notified.
While we are reminding all of events to take place, The Gathering will be held on the first Tues., April 6 at Club 21.
How about some good news! Jean Collier returned home after another hospital stay. The tracheotomy was removed and she is doing well. She even attended church Sun. morning.
Gladys Sorrells spent a few days visiting her family in Austin. Tim, Debbie, Mia and Heather and Gladys also celebrated her birthday. Here’s wishing her many more healthy and happy ones.
Bob and Karen Schlortt stopped by to visit with Raymond and Myrtle Heideman last week. They were on their way to Columbus (Texas that is) to pick up their grandchildren who spent spring break with them. Sorry I missed them.
Thanks to the Maxwell Herman Sons and the ladies who signed the card. It’s so nice to be remembered. Ray and I just “don’t get around much anymore!”
County Line SUD Manager Daniel Heideman reminds all who are on the waterline, that repair work will start on the line along Old Spanish Trail from Cotton Gin Road north to the intersection of Rocky Road in a week or so, depending on the weather.