Recently, my mind has been preoccupied on the political debates, nationally. As I look at both sides of issues I cringe, asking myself the question “is our political system supposed to be this way?” With all of the misleading statements it is very difficult to know who we can trust, and see how we can make a difference.
Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you may be on, I believe there are some basic ideas that most patriotic Americans embrace.
• Get engaged in the political process. Change starts at the bottom and works its way up. So if you feel powerless, find issues locally and get involved!
• Be value oriented, and vote based upon those values. Look at the core values that candidates demonstrate. We are starving for honesty in the political system. It should not be about what kind of favors a candidate owes once elected. We need to elect individuals who are motivated by making their community better. Honesty and integrity are essential characteristics of any public servant, and it is what we have been missing in the political process. We can meet in the middle where the constitution and our heritage dictate our actions.
• Lastly, educate yourself. Have constructive debate! Understand our rich heritage, and our constitution!
This is what I am looking for in a candidate. We have the opportunity to get involved through voting in our city election. Do we want our city leaders to be fiscally accountable? Someone who will represent us with integrity, using a basic set of core principals that are centered on the constitution? For this reason, I am proud to support Jason Welch for city council. He has educated himself in the principals of our great country. He understands local issues. He will not be afraid to stand up for what is right. He opposes outlandish debt and higher tax rates. Most importantly he has promised to represent us with honesty. Please join me on Election Day and support Jason Welch for Kyle City Council.
Ronald Sherman