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Kyle Community Library recently added free access to ResumeMaker computer software to the patron services it already offers. This web-based program provides tools, advice, and sample material for job seekers.
ResumeMaker allows individual users to build resumés and cover letters from scratch, or to upload existing resumés for editing. The website also includes virtual interviews and sample interview questions, information about salaries and resources for job searching. During this period of economic strain, ResumeMaker is a valuable tool for Kyle job seekers.
To access this software, please visit the Kyle Community Library. Users will need an email address to register with ResumeMaker, and once registered, they can access these services from any computer with an internet connection.
The Kyle Community Library works to serve the community in a variety of ways, including through its public access computers and free WiFi access. Community members are encouraged to visit the library at 409 W. Blanco St. in Kyle or on the web at