More than 200 Dahlstrom Middle School students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society recently, with the ceremony duties largely handled by campus officers (left to right) Kenny Belden, Banner Steele, Wyatt Madden, Shannon Campbell and Jordan Giberson. (Photo by Candace Blake)
Dahlstrom Middle School celebrated academic excellence recently with its National Junior Honor Society induction. The event introduced 234 honorees to the community. Of those, 89 are sixth-graders, all new to the organization. Seventy-nine seventh-graders, ten of them new members, and sixty-six eighth-graders, nine of them new to the organization, were inducted.
Sponsor Jana Bowen, Principal Hilda Gartzke and Assistant Principal Jason Certain took part in the program, as did the NJHS officers. President Kenny Belden offered insightful comments about the evening’s significance and Vice-President Banner Steele, Treasurer Wyatt Madden, Secretary Shannon Campbell and Historian Jordan Giberson added points on character, leadership, citizenship and service. Also recognized were top class rankings. Claudia Norman and McKenna Murphy tied for first place grade point average in the sixth grade (98.14) and Joe Gunn second (98.0); Will Cooper led the seventh grade (98.2), followed by Abigail Galan (98.01) and Alec Maulding (97.96); and Austin Tate leading the eighth grade (98.48), followed by Ty Goebler (98.32), Emily Beyer (98.05), Jesse Supernaw (97.76) and Mayson Shelton (97.49). Newcomer Alyssa Wagner, a Dahlstrom student one semester shy of the normal grading period, was also recognized for her 97.57 showing.
First time inductees include:
Sixth grade:
Jacob Aguirre, Madison Allen, Christiana Amato, Kaycee Armstrong, Anastasia Atencio, Raegan Bagby, Noah Benedict, Jacob Blazi, Daniel Bracamontes, Reagan Brodbeck, Faith Broddrick, Joshua Burnett, Taylor Burrell, Noelle Cardenas, Jonathan Chapa, Haley Cheaney-Carmona, Patrick Chida, Ryan Clark, Alexis Cowher, Elaina Derrick, Courtney Dickens, Caden Dodson, Andrew Egenolf, Macey Erhardt, Samantha Garcia, Claire Gerlach, Chloe Giberson, Michelle Gillenwaters, Skylar Goertz, Jackson Gola, Kaden Gray, Isaiah Guebara, Meghan Guerin, Sabrina Guerra, Joe Gunn, William Guthrie, Alezandra Hardwick, Madison Hawkins, Hayden Hoekstra, Raven Homesley, Gracie Hough, Kayla Humphries, Jessica Kasper, Jax Kell, Braeden Kent, Brielle Knox, Kaela Llanos, Kristina Loza-Garcia, Crispin Lyman, Gloria Mena, Alexis Mendez, Julia Mullen, McKenna Murphy, Nadia Netek, Ashlyn Nichols, Claudia Norman, Matthew Oleson, Joshua Ordonez, Sarah Ortiz, Amanda Owens, Raquel Penalver, Diego Perez, Gabriel Perez, Matthew Perry, Kathryn Peterman, Timothy Phillips, Lorelei Pierce, Kaitlyn Plemons, Logan Pool, Taylor Prassel, Kianna Ramos, Tara Ramsey, Cloe Rape, Denisse Raza, Brent Redmon, Faith Reed, Christina Roehrig, Allison Scott, Jacqueline Sedillo, Caleb Short, Cirinda Soman, Bryce Symmes, James Turner, Austin Uresti, Bonnie Vannater, Jordan Weaver, Justin Weaver and Briana White.
Seventh grade:
A total of 79 inductees from the seventh grade took part in the induction ceremony, including ten members who are new to the organization. Those new members include Victoria Bahr, Haley Butler, Cody Campbell, Haley Gonzalez, Nicholas Harrelson, Carly Nester, William Regan, Athen Schultz, Tate Stauffer and Sarah Thompson.
Eighth grade:
The 66 inductees from the eighth grade included nine members who are new to the organization, including Danielle Arredondo, Joshua Elliot, Illeana Flores, Kailey Keils, Taylor Levrier, Luke Park, Lauren Riley, Alexsandra Schaubhut and Alyssa Wagner
Returning seventh grade members included Heath Agnew, Maria Alegria Ramirez, Kaylee Allen, Tenay Barker, Zoey Bell, Mitchell Borrel, Taylor Britton, Valeria Castro, James Colins, William Cooper, Samuel Davila, Brody Davis, Alexis Delgado, Preston Dittmar, Madison Eathorne, Sean Farrell, Mary Fowler, Abigail Galan, Ermily Gleason, Kelsey Goodwin, Cheryl Gryta, Jared Gutierrez, Brooke Hall, Reid Hillman, Haley Hinnenkamp, John Hinnenkamp, Samuel Hodges, Holly Hogsett, Whitney Horrocks, Jenna Hughes, Reid Johnson, Addison Keller, Jordan Lester, Justin Martinez, Alec Maulding, Grace McManus, Lexa Mikulenka, Caridad Montemayor, John Mullen, Rebecca Navarro, Ryan New, Jacob Olson, Shanon Park, Shayna Patel, Katrina Pinon, Rebekah Pogue, Brandon Requenez, Dorothea Robinson, Joseph Rubio, Jacob Ryan, Jordan Sadler, Elizaberth Schnautz, Stephen Schultz, Danielle Shica, Amy Simmons, Travis Sullivent, Samantha Swartz, Angela Tenney, Rachel Tenney, Nick Theis, Katherine Wensel, Kristen White, Jamie Wilkinson, Anna Williams, Kasden Williams, Brett Williams, Kathryn Wristen, Emily Yager and Dustin Zimmerman.
Eighth Grade (RETURNERS):
Returning 8th grade NJHS members included Tyler Andrade, Kenneth Belden, Emily Beyer, Megan Blanks, Kasey Borthwick, Haley Borthwick, John Bowen, Marissa Bozell, Shannon Campbell, Victoria Cardenas, Benjamin Chida, Caitlin Corich, Cameron Curphey, Anna Depenning, Jacob Dotterer, Taylor Fairly, Dylan Fall, Kayla Gaddy, Calais Galbraith, Jordan Giberson, Ty Goebler, Samantha Gordon, Haley Hodgins, Ryan Hufford, Christopher Humphries, Adam Jones, Alexander Key, Emily Knight Hunter, Logan Lindsey, Courtney Lord, Wyatt Madden, Jake Norman, Grace Ortiz, Devin Palm, Magdalene Paraskeva, Sara Pieprzica, Zachary Plummer, Taylor Pruet, Robbie Riley, Anastasia Ritchie, Mason Salinas, Riley Scarborough, Kristen Sedillo, Mayson Shelton, Cole Smith, Deanna Starlin, Banner Steele, Walker Stone, Jesse Supernaw, Austin Tate, Aubrey Tate, Kelsey Timmons, Lauren Trombley, Adelae Vayas, Esteban Villalpando, Tyler Woodmansee and Matthew Yevcak.