Recently, by request of a friend, I visited the FaceBook page of Jason Welch, candidate for Kyle City Council District 1. Upon reading his most recent status update, I knew immediately I had found a candidate I was going to be enthusiastically voting for as opposed to the “lesser of two evils” which so often was the case for me. I instantly sent him a friend request and asked him to put a sign in my yard. After a few days, I had the pleasure of meeting Jason and knew in a flash, he was the best person for the job. Although only vaguely familiar with Jason’s politics at the time, his confident introduction told me everything I needed to know about this impressive candidate. His strong, commonsense conservative values combined with his diverse and admirable experiences in the U.S. Army reserves while working in sales and management left me no doubt Jason is the ideal candidate for that seat. So often, especially here in Kyle, it’s WHO you know as opposed to WHAT you know when running for office and trying to get elected. His strong faith in God, love for family and country are just a few examples of character traits that cross party lines and every one can relate to. Please visit Jason’s website at for more information. Join Jason in returning power and freedom back to the citizens of Kyle and directing it away from the government officials.
Rose Quintero-Holloway