Odds & Ends
Have you mailed in your census forms? According to an article in a local paper only 60 percent plus have completed and sent in their form in Hays County. Several have received a second form in the mail and some have had a person deliver a second one to their home, and there are some who have not received any. I have not read or heard what I should do with the second one or what to do if you have not received any.
I wonder if the person or persons who throw or dump their trash on people’s property have ever thought of the damage they might do. Not only is it unsightly, it could also kill the cattle, goats, horses, etc. that graze and drink the water in the pastures and creeks. The county and the owners or renters of pastures and roadsides have put in many costly hours to clean up some thoughtless people’s mess. O.K. that’s my “gripe” for today.
The meeting of Germania Insurance of Kyle was held on April 10, at the Immanuel Baptist Church near Kyle. After a delicious Mexican meal, the annual meeting was held. Dale Posey, vice president, called the meeting to order and turned the proceedings over to James Holt, Agent. Holt explained some new options and procedures of the insurance. With the resignation of the president, Marion Hill, a new president, Dale Posey, was elected and Ray Patterson elected vice president. Marion and family have moved to Houston. Several attendance prizes were given.
The Men’s Fellowship of St. John Lutheran Church had their meeting April 11, at the Rec Center. Kenneth Schnautz and Alton Petrosky hosted the breakfast at Nona’s Café in Uhland. The group then returned to the Rec Center for their meeting. Oh, by the way that was Alton, not his brother, Ronald, as reported last week. Sorry! A work evening has been set for Thurs., April 16 at the Rec Center to update signs, etc. for the Men’s Fellowship’s Open Car Show, raffle (homemade barbeque pit) and barbeque meal to be held on the St. John Church grounds on May 15. Car Show from 10:30 a.m. until 2 p.m., meal 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ya’ll come.
Don’t forget the annual meeting of the Uhland Live Oak Cemetery on Sat., April 24, 2010 at 11 a.m. at Immanuel Baptist Church Christian Center, 4000 East FM 150, Kyle, followed by a carry-in salad and dessert meal.
Coming to visit and bringing a spaghetti supper to share with Opa and Oma last Tuesday were Dennis and Kim Heideman and Kassi, Hanna and Maddy. Raymond and I and all enjoyed the visit and delicious meal, especially when they did the dishes too.
Coming for a visit with Raymond and Myrtle on Sunday were John and Alma Major of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Their daughter, Jennifer, of Austin, accompanied them. An afternoon of visiting was enjoyed.