Buda Bits
Yes, Buda is going to the dogs! Wiener dogs and Bulldogs, that is. Wieners will take over for two days at Buda City Park on April 24 and 25 as part of the annual Lions Club Country Fair and Weiner Dog Races. Old Bulldogs will be in town on Saturday, May 8 for the annual Buda High Forever Reunion at the old Buda High School (now Buda Elementary). Both events will make for a fun time for all the folks participating.
There is a new resident on Pin Oak Drive in Mountain City. Sarah Nicole was welcomed home by proud parents, Christi and Michael Chabarria and big brother Matthew, age 2 1/2. Baby Sarah was born at high noon on Tuesday, March 30, 2010, weighing in at seven pounds, four ounces and measuring 21 inches long. Congratulations to all the family.
Buda was well represented in Austin Sunday morning in the Capitol 10,000. Coming in as first place winners in their age division were Jeffrey Shelton, age 41, with a chip time of 33:48 and Liz Shelton, age 32, with a chip time of 37:13. Coming in at 11th place with a time of 39:19 in the 40-44 age group was 40-year-old Chad Bennett. Jeremy Brenham, age 12, placed 10th in his age bracket with a time of 49:32. Seventy-four-year old Hope Palacios placed third in the 70-74 age division with a chip time of 1:26:39. Hats off to all the runners from our area.
Survivors and caregivers wanting to participate in Relay for Life of Buda/Kyle should contact Becky Fisher at 512-750-4697. Remember it is not too late to form a team to make the race on May 14. Also if you would like to “light up the track” by purchasing luminaries in honor or memory of someone with cancer, again contact Becky.
The chefs of Onion Creek Senior Citizens Center will be cooking up King Ranch Chicken to sell as a fundraiser for the center. There will be three sizes and three prices. The casseroles will be ready April 29-30. To reserve a dish call Sandra at 512-262-2110 or 468-4451.
Birthday wishes go out to Syd Hall of Driftwood on April 15; Mitch Johnson and Ralph Rice on April 16; Connie Brewer on April 19; Hope Sanford on April 21.
Again this year, the clock at Buda City Hall is not keeping up with the correct time because of the change to daylight savings time. Hope someone can get it right. Sure does confuse the public!