A month or so ago, the voters of Kyle elected two new council members and a new mayor (as if you didn’t already know). This action was a need to bring about a clearer representation of citizen’s needs and taxpayers’ wishes. Those new city elected officials along with those still in office are very capable of bringing a new and better day for our community of Kyle. But you are asked to elect two more council members on May 8, 2010. These vacancies on the council were created by two of our council whose terms expire in May, 2010. In reviewing the candidates for Place 1, I find one to be an excellent choice – one who will work as a team member with our present council, one who is truly interested in the citizens, businesses, present and future financial situations, police department improvements, who will bring about our hopes and dreams of the new library, and many other ways to aid our lives in the City of Kyle. I ask you to vote for my choice for our District 1 place on the Kyle City Council – Diane Hervol. Please take a few minutes of your time to do a little (or a lot of) research on this candidate. I think you will agree with me that Diane is a must for our city. You will be pleasantly surprised with the true knowledge of our city government and our needs. You will also find that she is interested in your ideas for your community and its improvements. This candidate is one who will listen to you on minor as well as major issues and if it’s a concern she can take to the council for you she will do just that. Please go to www.votehervol.com. Please help me in getting Diane Hervol elected to the District 1 place on the Kyle City Council, by getting yourself to the poll along with your friends and relatives and vote for Diane on May 8th or, better still, vote early, call Diane and ask for a sign to be placed in your front yard showing everyone that you support the idea of a good thing to continue.
Edwin (Ed) Winn
Former Mayor of Kyle