Buda Bits
Azaleas! What were they thinking? City of Buda employees planted azalea bushes in front of city hall last week, which according to Chris Winslow “is a wonderful plant with great attributes in the Houston area but they hate our heat and alkaline soil.” Winslow, owner of It’s About Thyme Garden Center and contributor to the Hays Free Press, explained that the azaleas are “a bad choice if the Buda powers to be are striving to set an example to the citizens that xeriscape and water saving is the correct way to go.”
On a much smarter move, Knockout roses were planted in the island area on Main Street in front of the 1898 Store. The roses are a better choice for our area. Also a better choice for everyone would be to read Winslow’s weekly column (p. 3C). He always gives helpful advice and questions can be sent to him by mail or email.
Come downtown Buda Friday evening for the “show and shine” car show by the GearHeads. Show time starts at 6 p.m. and runs until dusk. Cars will be parked on the east side of the railroad tracks at AE Sign & Graphics and on Main Street in the parking lot of the old post office. The GearHeads have been together for the past nine years showing off American made classics.
Also Friday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. the Friends of the Buda Library will have members only time for purchasing at their book sale. Of course memberships are available at the door. On Sat., April 24, the book sale continues for the public from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the library. Shop for great reading material, find treasures and support your local library all at the same time.
Anniversary wishes to out to Bob and Tutta Barton as they celebrate their 55th wedding date on Friday, April 23 and the next day Tutta should get a cake in honor of her birthday. Happy celebrations to the Bartons.
Birthday wishes go out to Hilary Smith on April 25.
Don’t cook; buy a King Ranch Casserole from the Onion Creek Senior Citizens. There are three sizes priced from $4 (serves 2), $8 (serves 4) and $16 (serves 8-10). Call 512-262-2110 or 468-4451 to reserve your dish today and pick it up fresh on April 29.
Thousands of people participated in the 26th annual MS150 bike ride over the weekend. Several cyclists from the Buda area made the ride including our own Justice of the Peace, Scott Cary.
Proud mom must congratulate son Michael Grizzle on his Boston Marathon run on April 19. Official time of his run was 2:53:52, coming in number 69 in his age division of 40-44. Also 52-year-old Maria Hermon of Buda was competing in her 12th Boston Marathon. Hermon’s time was 3:54:22.