Does our Buda City government have a hearing problem?
If you have been to a city council meeting within the past year, you know of what I speak.
Numerous times citizens have requested our Mayor, Bobby Lane, and our manager, Kenneth Williams, have everyone, including council members use their microphones. If they respond at all, it may last 10 – 12 minutes and turn right back to not using them.
Persons addressing the council are not asked to talk into the microphone at the podium, and citizens behind them can’t hear what is being said.
Sometimes the public address system is either not on or is turned down so low it’s of no benefit to the citizens.
Some of us are tired of asking to hear what is being said at council meetings. We come to hear and participate. Leadership is as much about explaining decisions clearly as it is about making them – after all, you are being paid by our money and your are making decisions about spending our money. We have the right to hear your explanations and decisions.
One has to wonder, since our mayor, city manager and city council cannot or will not fix a little problem like using their microphones every time they speak, how are they going to fix our big problems?
Benita Gunn