Check it out
The Buda Library Spring Book Sale will be this weekend, April 23 and 24. We’ll have literally thousands of books for sale for just $5 per bag, plus some special items priced individually. The Friday night members-only preview runs from 6 – 8 p.m. (instant membership available at the door) and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday.
You’ll find everything from autobiography to zoology, fiction and non-fiction, plus audio-visual items, puzzles and games. We also have postcards from past Wiener Dog Races, featuring images donated by official race photographer Mary Stone. Check out the silent auction, too!
The Friends of the Buda Public Library have helped for almost 20 years to expand the library’s collections (especially periodicals, reference books and audio-visual items) and services. Some of the many contributions the Friends give the library come from our annual book sales in late spring and during Budafest. Both collections and services have also been greatly enlarged through computer hardware and software the Friends have funded. The computers in the library are heavily used, but you don’t have to go there to take advantage of the library’s on-line resources. From any place with an Internet connection, you can use the online catalog and gain access to the fantastic wealth of information available through the dozens of TexShare databases.
All book sale proceeds benefit the library, so get some great books at bargain prices and pick up some Wienerabilia!
Want to know more? Call the library at 295-5899 or email at Join the Friends of the Buda Library: