Odds & Ends
The annual meeting of the Uhland Live Oak Cemetery was held April 24 at the Immanuel Baptist church. President Rex Wiegand called the meeting to order and asked Leonard Kramer to give the opening prayer. The president presented the board members, Rex Wiegand, president; Daniel Heideman, Treasurer; Barbara Ilse, Secretary-Vice President; Trustees, Pat Anderson, Barbara Innis, Morris Schmeltekopf and Douglas Schnautz. Barbara Ilse read the 2009 minutes and Daniel Heideman gave the treasurer’s report. Reports of the purchasing of the land in 2008, the improvements and future plans of a covered structure for funeral services, parking, floral displays and removal, permanent markers, memorial displays, etc. It was announced that Raymond and Myrtle Heideman donated a flagpole and flag in memory of their daughter, June Heideman, June 19, 1948-June 19, 1948.
Family members and friends shared in giving an obituary or remembrances of loved ones who were buried in the Live Oak Cemetery during 2009-2010. They are as follows: Wilburn Worley, Alvin Homan, Wm. McCarley, Lorene Walser, Margaret Wranitzky, Laura Powell and Peggy Wisian.
Leonard Kramer thanked the board. A very informative meeting closed with a prayer of thanks, which included the delicious carry-in food by members and friends.
Lots are available by calling Daniel Heideman at 312-398-4748 for information.
Family members of Wm. Hagedorn and Emma Louise Rothhardt; Pauline Wisian and Wm. Hohmann and Wm. Hagedorn and Pauline Wisian Hohmann (yes! That’s right) met at Mamacitas Restaurant on April 20 for a “Dutch treat” lunch and visiting. Despite the cupping of ears and “What did you say,” a good time was had by all. A lot of family history and happenings were shared. One of the highlights of the gathering was the observance of Terry Kleen’s 60th birthday, shared by the employees singing and the delicious fried batter and honey (I don’t know what it’s called, I’m German). By the way, Terry is Wm. Hagedorn and Pauline Rothhardt’s great granddaughter. Fifteen descendents enjoyed the afternoon.
More cousins got together on Sunday at Danny and Beverly Kleen’s home near Buda. Among the guests were Frank and Helen Scheel of Palm Desert, California, their daughter, Cindy Plant and Justin and Nicol, Kenneth Schnautz of Lockhart, Benny and Carol Schumann of New Braunfels, Erwin and Bobby Jean Hagedorn, Doug and Mellisa Kleen of San Marcos, Scott and Vik Hagedorn of Austin, Ed and Lois Daugherty, Jimmy and Rachel Plant, Debbie Moore and sons of Kyle, Richard and Kristy Saxon and daughters of Buda, Danny and Sharon Heideman of Uhland, Roslyn Stephens of Maxwell. Also a couple of old uncles and aunts, Clarence Heideman and Adelene Wisian of San Marcos and Raymond and Myrtle Heideman of Uhland. All enjoyed the carry-in lunch, the various games and most of all the visiting and sharing of family news.
Sympathy is extended to George and Patti Lyons in the death of George’s mother, Mariam Strong. Also to Gloria Maier, in the passing of her mother. Prayers go with Ron Salewsky and his daughter, Rease Freeman and family. Rease is very ill.
Best wishes to Jim Alexander who is in Reliant Rehab Hospital in Round Rock. Also to all who are in dire need of prayers, including Virgie Parsons who has Hospice care in her home.
Sympathy is also extended to Robert and Barbara Hanna in the death of Robert’s Aunt Lisa Raemsch of Houston.
Best wishes and a speedy recovery to Jeffery Jakubik, son of Pastor and Judy Jakubik, as he undergoes surgery next week. Jeffery is from Snook, Texas.
Congratulations to Kelly Jones who will graduate from UT on May 21.