On Center
Downtown seems oddly quiet this week. Other than early voting (wheee) there’s not a whole heck of a lot going on until we get to the weekend.
Luckily, the Katherine Anne Porter House Visiting Writers Series will be hosting Jake Silverstein at the end of the week. Silverstein, a nationally recognized journalist, editor and author, will be reading from his book Nothing Happened and Then It Did, a humorous chronicle of fact and fiction described as “part memoir, part novel, part history”. The event is this Friday night at 7:30 p.m., 508 W. Center Street and is, as always, free and open to the public.
The next morning, our town center will once again emerge as a cool little marketplace offering fresh vegetables (and sometimes even organic beef from local ranchers) and homemade items from bibs and blankets to soap and soup mixes. Kyle Market Days will be in full swing beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday morning with a theme of “Summer Breezes and Wild Flowers.”
Last month, the food was terrific and the music added a perfect rhythm to the beautiful spring morning. I saw tons of folks I knew and ended up meeting lots more. Kyle is a friendly little town, we just need to get out of our cars and hang out downtown every once in a while.
The next day, the historic Claiborne Kyle Log House will host its monthly open house from 2-5 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. It’s really an interesting piece of our history and if you haven’t seen it yet, you ought to grab the fam and head out Old Stagecoach Road and have a look. And with the wildflower explosion going on lately, it’s got to be even more breathtaking than usual.
And, to rectify my snarky little “wheee” comment above about voting, we all know that it’s important, necessary and just danged simple to do in this town. So pull into City Hall and cast your ballot for the lone seat on the HCISD School Board and the two remaining seats on the city council dais any day this week until 5 p.m. Actually, your best bet: Saunter on over during Market Days this Saturday. The polls will be open until 3 p.m. and all you need is your ID.