Kyle Parks & Recreation
What is lifetime recreation? When we were young, baseball and soccer was considered recreation. In high school, football and basketball was recreation. We won’t mention what college recreation was but those that went know what I am referring to. As you get older, it is harder to play baseball, soccer, football and basketball. These are not considered lifetime recreational activities.
In our profession, lifetime recreational activities are those that we do throughout our lifetime. These include such activities as golf, tennis, hiking and fishing. In Kyle we have been able to play golf, tennis and take a hike, but not go fishing. That is about to change.
With parkland dedication, donations and grants, the Kyle Parks and Recreation Department has been acquiring parkland along the Plum Creek Watershed east of Lehman Rd. Included in that parkland are a couple of lakes created by detention dams built and maintained by the Plum Creek Conservation District. One of these lakes, from this point on, will be called Lake Kyle.
The Kyle PARD is deep in the planning phases of construction and development of Lake Kyle. These plans include accessibility to all and until we can meet ADA guidelines, we have to keep the park closed to all. With adequate funding the construction time line has Lake Kyle open to all the summer of 2012. In the meantime, Kyle PARD is planning and preparing a free fishing clinic.
On Saturday, June 5, beginning at 8:30 a.m., up to 50 registrants will be taught by certified fishing instructors, the proper way to tie and bait a hook, rules of fishing, casting techniques and more. Additionally, after lunch that same day, the Kyle PARD will host a fishing derby where teams will compete as they test their skills catching fish. Each team will consist of one adult and one child, and the $15 registration fee covers the cost of t-shirts for each person, bait and drinks. After the derby, prizes will be awarded to top catchers and each child will leave Lake Kyle with their very own rod and reel.
This event is purposely called “Hooked On Fishing”, as we hope that everyone wanting to go fishing in Kyle will get ‘hooked’ on this wonderful lifelong recreational activity. If you are interested in being a sponsor of prizes for the kids, or would like to come out and volunteer some time taking the fish off their hooks and see the joy of someone reeling in their first fish – contact me at the Kyle PARD office. We still need your help.
If you would like to participate and register for this exciting day, you need to hurry. We will only take that first 50 registrations received before May 19. Registration forms and information can be found on our website at You may also find the forms in City Hall, at Market Days and at Plum Creek Front Porch Days.