It’s About Thyme
Mother’s Day is approaching fast this weekend. As a nurseryman, please allow me to make an observation: mothers are enthusiastic gardeners! They make up a huge part of our customer base. With that in mind, assisted by my wife Diane, I have come up with a few gift ideas for readers.
Mix plantings of culinary herbs: This simple project makes a wonderful gift for any gardener who likes fresh herbs for the kitchen. Just pick a beautiful ceramic pot or hanging basket. Fill it with good potting soil, and then plant four 4” potted herbs.
Pick some that will cascade from the top of the pot. Creeping herbs like thyme, oregano and rosemary can also be mixed with popular, upright herbs like parsley, sage and chives. Tie a bow around the top of the pot, add a card, and you will have made a unique and thoughtful gift.
Assemble a European basket: Start with a nice woven basket with a handle. Then place potted flowering herbs and tropical plants inside. Add some packets of flower seed, a hand trowel, some colorful (and useful) gardening gloves, some ribbon and a card. Another beautiful homemade gift.
Give mom a living rose bush: There are some magnificent roses available that bloom all year and require little attention. Look for the knock out series, and home run. They will add beauty to the landscape all year.
If mom likes to read as much as she likes to garden, we suggest Lucinda Hutson’s book The Herb Garden Cookbook (Gulf Publishing, 1992). Lucinda goes through the culinary herbs one at a time and tells you how to grow them and cook with them. It’s filled with great recipe ideas and tips on how to be successful growing these garden gems. Another gardening author to check out is Susan Wittig Albert. She is the creator of the China Bales Mystery Series. The main character, China Bales, uses her gardening skills and herbal wisdom to solve murder mysteries.
Finally, this Saturday, May 8, take your mother to visit some of Austin’s finest gardens at the self-guided Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Gardens Tour. Tickets are $25 for all gardens, or $6 for individual gardens.
Happy gardening and Happy Mother’s Day!
If you have a question for Chris, send it via email to Or mail a postcard to It’s About Thyme: 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78748