Buda Bits
Buda Elementary will become the old Buda High School for a day, as the Bulldogs will be in town on Sat., May 8, reuniting for the annual high school reunion. Former students, teachers and friends are welcome to attend the gathering, which starts at 10:30 a.m. A barbecue lunch will be served at noon. There will be a handmade quilt raffled, silent auction, and lots of visiting.
A big thank you goes out to Constable Matt Mancillas, Deputy Constable Clemente Verastegui and Sandra Lopez for preparing barbeque chicken with all the trimmings for lunch last Thursday for the Onion Creek Senior Citizens. Food was great and we appreciate your hard work for us.
The Buda Bees held a “Spring Fling” brunch at the home of Linda Stavlo on April 27. The Bees enjoyed a delicious covered dish meal and a show and tell by several of the members.
Preston Jones of Buda walked away with a second place in the third grade category at the Butterfly Festival recently held in Wimberley at the Emily Ann Theatre and Gardens. Preston is in Mrs. Schlortt’s art class at Buda Elementary and is the son of Kayrin and Milam Jones.
Congratulations and best wishes to Marjorie Martinez on her retirement as Library Director of Buda Public Library. Martinez led the library through many changes in her twenty years. Happy reading in your leisure time Marjorie.
Melinda Hodges has taken the position as Library Director and will be busy getting the summer reading program underway for all the area children.
Birthday wishes go out to Richard Sadler on May 7; Todd Campbell on May 8; and Lee Howell on May 10.
Anniversary wishes go out to Angie and Clay Huckaby as they celebrate their third wedding date on May 12.
A small brown and white dog caused a traffic jam on FM 2770 around noon last Sunday. Cars and trucks all stopped as several people worked to catch the dog, possibly saving its life. Hopefully the owner and dog have been reunited.
Come to downtown Buda for First Thursday, May 6, and enjoy food, entertainment and shopping.
Remember your mother on her day Sunday.