Squeezin’ the Juice
Can you imagine anything worse than being in the path of an atomic bomb as it explodes? If William Rivers Pitt is right we’ll have oceans of oil instead of salt and this is a fact, the oceans will die and everything in them. And after that, the earth.
This is how it will happen if an immediate solution is not found to the present crisis in the Gulf of Mexico where a British Petroleum oil rig exploded and sank off the Gulf Coast. On April 28th, according to the Mobile Press-Register as reported in Truthout, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Response document reads, “Two additional release points were found…the flow could become unchecked resulting in a release volume on order of magnitude higher than previously.” This means ten times higher.
When the oil rig collapsed and sank, reports Pure Energy Systems, it flipped over and landed on the drill hole. It is estimated that 200,000 barrels of oil a day are being released by a drill hole sitting under the wrecked oil drilling rig 5,000 feet under the ocean. “It would take years and hundreds of millions to accomplish… If we can’t cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wild life.”
If they are unable to cap the wellhead “you can turn out the lights, because we are all done. Birds, bees, you, me, and everything else on planet Earth could be facing mass extinction.”
What big if’s. I was so horrified by the above information I was compelled to pass it on. I want everyone to recognize how seriously we are all involved.
Now is the time to believe in miracles. The Gulf Coast is home to more than 400 species of wildlife, some already threatened with extinction. And this is the spawning and breeding season! The larvae of bluefin tuna, grouper, shrimp and oysters are floating on the surface, especially vulnerable now.
You can forget your favorite soft shell crab. Like the wonderful bluepoint oysters of Chesapeake Bay, it may be a long time before we taste them again.
Always before, when writing this column, I could find a cause that could be corrected, some hope that the worst could be avoided. My best hope now is that we all hang together and do everything we can to help the people who are living in the misery of this tragedy.