Kindergarten Roundup this week
Hays CISD Kindergarten Roundup is on for Thursday and Friday, May 13-14, at all local elementary campuses during school hours. Children five years old on or before September 1, 2010, are eligible and parents should bring the child’s birth certificate, current immunization records, and proof of HCISD residence (lease agreements or utility bills suffice). Ralph Pfluger Elementary students register at Tom Green Elementary and Carpenter Hill students register at Elm Grove Elementary. Not sure of your attendance zone? Call 268-2141 for assistance.
Strutters Spring Show Friday
Lehman High School’s Star Strutters stage their 2010 Spring Show this Friday, May 14, 7 p.m., at the Performing Arts Center. Performing in the show are Star Strutters, the dance class, next year’s dance team, solos and ensembles. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students and children. For more information, contact Barbara Strangler at
Hemphill garage sale Saturday
Hemphill Elementary hosts a garage sale this Saturday, May 15, 8 a.m.-noon. Already scheduled are vendors of food, furniture and tools. Vendor slots remain available for $7 and vendors keep their profit. To reserve a space, contact Brenda Ponce at
CollegeWeek Live next week
CollegeWeek Live Texas Day is Tuesday, May 18, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. The event offers prospective college students a chance to chat live with admissions representatives from a large selection of Texas colleges and universities, including Texas A&M, University of Texas, Baylor, Sam Houston State, Hardin-Simmons, Schreiner, Texas Tech, Texas Christian and others. For more information, go to
Tech showcase nears
It’s almost here! The 5th Annual Hays CISD Tech Showcase is set for Thursday, May 20, 6-8 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center. Organizers of this always-popular event say, “it’s designed to allow teachers and students the opportunity to share with the community, fellow teachers and students the ‘out of this world’ technology projects that are happening in this district.” For more information, email
PEP still seeks shoes
The Hays CISD Pregnancy, Education and Parenting (PEP) Program is seeking donations of closed-toe shoes, size 0-3, for the children of local high school students. To donate new or slightly-worn shoes, contact Katie Campbell at or leave them at the front office of either Hays High School or Lehman High School.
Camino Real thanks sent
Sincere gratitude from the Camino Real Elementary community is sent out to Buda’s Generations Church “for the strong partnership involving mentoring and donating time and services for school functions.” The church most recently donated 7,000 eggs for the April Education Egg Hunt. Volunteers regularly mentor students, working closely with Communities in School counselor Gina Humble.
Fundraiser Forecast
Texas Bombers will have a BBQ on Saturday, May 22 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at 805 Old US 81 N. Kyle (Tenorio Village).