After almost a year in the making, the proposed design of Kyle’s future library was finally unveiled to the city council last week.
The 20,000-square-foot building, inspired by the architecture of the new city hall, will cost more than $3.5 million, nine percent over the original budget of $3.2 million. The council could vote on the contract in next week’s meeting.
In addition to book space, initial design plans allow for a coffee bar, community rooms, kids area, three top-lit pavilions, outdoor public plaza, pedestrian drop-off and a small kitchen for functions.
“This building provides no more than what we need now and in our future,” said Wynette “Tutta” Barton, member of the Kyle Library Building Committee. “It would be a great contribution to the city.”
The committee, comprised of five Kyle residents and two councilmembers, first met in 2006. At that time, they agreed to name as the builder Raymond Construction of Austin, the firm that built the new city hall in 2006.
If the contract is approved, design and development could start by early June, with construction set for early September and wrapping up by next May, Raymond Construction Senior Vice President Rusty Burnett said.
Barton said that the committee carefully considered not going over budget on the project but stressed that future add-ons to handle ongoing growth would be far more expensive.
“After long deliberation we decided that recommending a cut-down version would be a short-sighted mistake,” she said. “The library will be in place for many decades.”
The entire library project could eventually reach well past the $4 million mark. Councilmember David Wilson told the council that an additional $500,000 to $600,000 will be needed for infrastructure, such as sewer and water lines for the 2.2 acre lot on Meyer Street, which the city bought last year for $312,000.
“We’ll have some additional expenses,” Wilson said. “For this to be the crown jewel, you’ll have to do that.”
So far, The Friends of the Library fund has raised about $155,000 to go toward the new library that will replace the current 5,000-square-foot library.
“We pledge to keep the costs down,” Barton said. “We, the committee, unanimously strongly support this plan. The opening will be a fine day for Kyle.”
Councilmember Michelle Lopez, also on the committee, said that actual building costs were close to the original budget. Approximately $270,000 was added to the estimate for contingency and contractor fees.
“I hope we support this so we can move forward … to continue the legacy of education,” she said.
John Gilliam, a library consultant for Raymond Construction, spoke in admiration of this project.
“This is an incredible value,” he said. “I’m completely envious of you.”
Gilliam, who has overseen the design and construction of libraries in Austin, said that a similar library in Austin would cost $6.8 to $8.7 million and take more than two years to complete.
He also said that the building will be energy efficient, durable and aesthetically pleasing.
“This is a building that will be low maintenance or no maintenance for you,” he said. “You will be proud of it for decades to come.”