Buda Bits
Memories of old Buda High School have been put away for another year. The reunion for grads of Buda High School was held on Saturday with an attendance of 115. Several people walked away with prized items in the silent auction. Winner of the fabulous hand made quilt was Kim (Armbruster) Hodges, daughter of Connie Armbruster, one of the quilt makers.
A big thank you goes out to all the folks that worked so hard to make the reunion such a success, especially to sisters Judy (Thompson) Powell and Karry (Thompson) Matson. Next year’s reunion will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2011. See that your calendar is marked for that date and plan now to make it!
Congratulations to Liz and Jeff Shelton as they again ran a good race at the 27th annual Chuy’s Hot to Trot 5k in Austin on Saturday. Jeff Shelton, age 41, was 2nd place male with a time of 16:03 and 32-year-old Liz, with a time of 17:25, was the first place female runner.
More congratulations go out to Lucinda (Ramage) Doyle as she was notified last week that she had passed the bar exam.
And more congratulations to our new school board member, Marty Kanetzky.
Mikel and Gaynel Conner recently returned from a cruise through the Panama Canal. The Buda couple was celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. There were stops in Jamaica, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the trip ended with three days in Acapulco.
We may be a little late, but nonetheless cannot let April 20th pass by without wishing a happy birthday to John Potts who turned the mighty big 70.
Birthday wishes go out to Detta Haffelder on May 13; our very own Hays Free Press Editor, Jen Biundo and Raigenne Evans on May 15; Ellie Warmington on May 16; Roger Beverly on May 17; Chuck Lewis and Lamont Ramage on May 18; Linda Rosebrock, May 19. Also birthday wishes go out to the Kerns brothers. Blake will be 16 years old on May 13 and Luke turns 14 on May 21.
Remember “Relay for Life” is Friday starting at 7 p.m. at Barton Middle School. Go out and support this great group of people.
For all you track folks, the UIL Track and Field State Championship is this Friday and Saturday in Austin.