Dahlstrom Middle School Principal Hilda Gartzke is retiring this year and students, former students, friends and the community are invited to a retirement reception at the Performing Arts Center Thursday, May 26, from 4-6 p.m. (Photo by Jim Cullen)
Dahlstrom Middle School Principal Hilda Gartzke is retiring as the present school year ends and what she wants to talk about is her students.
“Middle school students are awesome!” she says of not just her Mustang faithful, but the entire age group, as well. “We have the chance to make a huge difference in a child’s life during the three years of middle school,” she says, adding, “I have enjoyed seeing the students enter as 10 or 11-year olds, and leave us three years later looking so much bigger, taller and older.”
The positive message is her answer to a question on the things about her job that she’ll miss. It’s clear that she will miss these students, as do most dedicated educators when they leave the profession.
Of the district she’s served since coming here in 1992, Gartzke says she first laid eyes on it back in the early 1970s. She rode with friends from her Austin home out to a game with the Rebels and she admits, “I wondered, ‘Where in the world ARE we?’ when we got out here!”
Hays CISD, only a few years consolidated at the time, was a far different place in those days. Proudly and beautifully rural, it was clearly a distinct and separate place from Austin’s not-yet-so-great sprawl, and the young Austinite seeing it for the first time got a very positive impression of the place that would one day become her home.
Gartzke grew up and went to public school in Austin, eventually attending the University of Texas as a music major and, yes, she’s proud of having played in the Longhorn Band. She began her career as an Austin ISD band director, but moved to Waco for four years at Connally High School before settling in at Austin High for four additional years.
Four years out of the profession to raise her two daughters led to time in graduate school and a master’s degree in counseling. She began school counseling in 1989 and became a Hays High School counselor in 1992.
“When I began here, we had about 1,200 students at Hays High School!” she marvels, when considering the dizzying growth in the last decade and a half.
The size of the district has changed over the years, as has Gartzke’s position. But her persona has remained steady, said Lehman High School Principal Elsa Hinojosa, who preceded her as Dahlstrom principal.
“Hilda Gartzke always put students first in her decision-making. In many ways, she was a counselor who happened to office in the principal’s office,” Hinojosa said. She adds, “We were fortunate to have her on Team Hays CISD.”
Like others embarking on retirement, Gartzke and her husband plan “quite a bit” of traveling in the coming year, as well as the thrill of enjoying their first grandchild, due as the summer begins.
As for words of advice for her Dahlstrom staff, Gartzke said, “Dahlstrom has a reputation for excellence, and it comes from the awesome staff we have that works so very hard every day. That won’t change. Keep the attitude of excellence we have developed!”
And to those Mustang students she’s leaving behind, “Make me proud!”
A retirement reception for Gartzke will be from 4-6 p.m. May 26 at the Performing Arts Center. Hilda’s students, former students, staff and the community are invited.