Odds & Ends
You gotta have faith! Despite the weather report of heavy rains with flooding, the Men’s Fellowship set up their tents, found a neighboring shed to put their barbeque pit under, the ladies made the potato salad, set up the silent auction room and waited for Saturday morning. After three to four inches of rain, the guys were ready for the Open Antique and Classic Car Show on the church grounds. Some 24 vehicles entered the show. First place, chosen by members of the Gear Heads, went to Chris Canales and was deemed as “Best of Show.” Erwin Hagedorn’s 1925 Model “T” Ford Roadster was the “People’s Choice.”
Both entries received trophies designed and made by members of the Gear Heads, they also indicated they would be back as a club next year. Thanks for their help and all the entries that participated in the show.
The meal was as delicious as ever and despite a threatening sky, a large crowd came to enjoy the car show, good food and the beautiful music by the “Legends N Time” from Luling. The old-time country and western music and singing was a hit.
The silent auction was also a success. Thanks to all who donated, those that accumulated the items and of course to all who bid. Erwin Hagedorn won the raffle of a homemade barbeque pit.
Members of St. John who worked together and enjoyed accomplishing what they did are looking forward to next year when the proposed recreation and educational building will be closer to reality. The committees are hard at work tying all the details together. See you next year.
Glad to report that Jeffery Jakubik of Snook is recovering from gastric bariatric surgery using the sleeve method. His parents, Pastor Carlson and Judy Jakubik spent a week with him while he recovered.
Sympathy is extended to Ron Salewsky and family in the death of his daughter Rease Freeman of Seguin. Services were held at Grace Lutheran Church on Monday, May 17. Rease had been ill for some time.
Jim Alexander who was injured in a motorcycle and automobile accident several months ago is looking forward to coming home soon. Bet he would enjoy a card or a word of cheer.
Twelve of Sue King’s engineering and architecture students from Hays High School entered the Technology Student Association State competition in Waco on May 7 & 8 and all won awards. Alex Bellany earned a first place and a best in state award for his design and production of a set of chessmen. Emily Crowell also earned a first place for her engineering drawing. Jessica Williams and Cassie Martinez both earned second place awards for their architecture drawings. Ian Mogab also earned a second place for his engineering drawings. The rest of the students earned third place awards for their engineering drawings. Mrs. King is very proud of all of them. Congratulations to all the students. Mrs. King was also given a beautiful watch for 15 years of service to Hays CISD at a banquet held by the district on May 6.
Congratulations, we are all proud of you Sue!
Shirley Groves and grandson of Midland spent the weekend with mother and great-grandmother, Hulda Wisian. They also enjoyed the car show and barbeque.
On Friday, May 14, 2010 Becca (Heideman) Schultz was honored with a brunch at the Kyle home of Debbie and Mike Moore for the completion of her Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science degree from Texas State University in San Marcos. Many family and friends came by to wish Becca congratulations and best wishes for the future. After the brunch those who could headed to Strahan Coliseum in San Marcos to see Becca and all the other education graduates receive their diploma. We were all so proud when Becca stood to be honored and recognized as Magna Cum Laude. Way to go Becca! Hard work does pay off!
Every year Barton Middle School sponsors the Kyle/Buda Relay for Life. This program raises funds to be given to the American Cancer Society for research to find a cure for cancer.
Debbie, Ranson and Cooper Moore participated in the Kyle/Buda Relay for Life on Friday evening. They were just a few members that were part of the Kyle Elementary team T.L.C. (Teachers Looking for a Cure). Ranson and Cooper helped the team out by participating in the Miss Relay contest. After being introduced as Cooperella Moore and Ransita Moore and answering one “pageant” question, they had 45 minutes to collect money from attendants at the event. Although they did not collect the most money, they gave all the participants a run for their money by collecting $141.30. They were skeptical about dressing as girls, but when they saw the high school boys and Dr. Taylor doing it, they thought it was pretty cool to be the only elementary and middle school boys brave enough to join this cause. Way to go Ranson and Cooper! Thank you Barton Middle School.
On Friday, May 14, James and Joann Holt attended the graduation of their grandson Matthew Posey from Texas A&M. Matthew received his degree in Educational Ag Science. He did his student teaching during the past spring semester at Elgin High School. Matthew is looking forward to continuing working with children. Congratulations Matt!