Buda Bits
Get out your Hawaiian shirts, flip flops and sunglasses and venture over to Elm Grove Elementary School for the Hawaiian Luau sponsored by the Dad’s Club on Saturday, May 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost is $7 per couple, father/daughter and mother/son. There will be many fun games and light refreshments.
The second annual Texas Hold-em Poker Showdown is set for Sunday, June 27, at 2 p.m. The Onion Creek Senior Citizens, a non-profit organization that serves the older population of our Buda community, will sponsor the games. We are asking for the public’s support in making this a successful fundraiser. We are in need of monetary funds, door prizes, gift cards, food, beverages and grand prizes. All proceeds from the tournament will benefit the building fund for the new senior center. For information contact Richard Harlow (512-626-4038 or email richardharlow@austin.rr.com), JoAnn Keller (512-295-2416), Valerie Corry (512-466-0960) or Sandra Grizzle (512-468-4451 or sgrizzle@austin.rr.com).
Poker players are also needed. If you like to play Texas Hold-em, we want you! Registration is $30 donation. Space is limited so call one of the above-mentioned folks for a registration form or more information.
Wind over the weekend seems to be to blame for a broken tree limb at Cromwell Construction office on Loop Street. No major damage to the building, just the inconvenience of cleaning up the mess.
The Driftwood Volunteer Fire Department will hold their 5th annual Fire Fighter’s Feast on Saturday, May 22, 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Since the event has outgrown the fire station, it will be held at the Salt Lick Pavilion. The public is invited to attend and show support for this great group of volunteers.
Also coming up in Driftwood is the 114th annual Camp Ben McCulloch Reunion, which will be Friday, June 18 through Friday, June 25. The reunion is always lots of fun for young and old and a great place to meet up with old friends.
Birthday wishes go out to A.J. Verver and Hays Free Press reporter Sean Kimmons on May 21; Angie Huckaby on May 22; Eileen Conley on May 24; Jeanette Matthews and George Purley on May 26.