The Kyle VFW post’s color guard, captained by Lou Nelson, gave a 21-gun salute during the Kyle/Buda VFW’s annual Memorial Day observance on Monday. Members of the color guard are Les Dwyer, David Llyle, David Wilson, Sylvester Bennett and Frank Rodriguez. (Photos by Brad Rollins)

VFW post Cmdr. Rick Riel and World War II veteran Art Hill read names of local veterans as part of the ceremony. The observance drew about 75 people to the post’s building on Front Street.
About 75 people turned out for a Memorial Day observance at the Kyle/Buda VFW post on Front Street in Kyle.
The solemn gathering, usually held at the Kyle Cemetery, was moved to the more visible VFW post and achieved the desired result of attracting more people, post Cmdr. Rick Riel said.
Formerly called Decoration Day, Memorial Day originally commemorated the Union dead in the Civil War. The holiday was expanded and renamed after World War II to honor the American dead in all its wars. The solemn occasion assumes special poignancy in wartime.
In Kyle, the ceremony included a 21-gun salute by the post’s color guard, captained by Lou Nelson. Members of the color guard are Les Dwyer, David Llyle, David Wilson, Sylvester Bennett and Frank Rodriguez.
Veterans also took turns reading the list of names of Kyle and Buda-area people who rendered military service. Riel and World War II veteran Art Hill read from the list.