As the schools will soon close their doors for the summer months, our Buda Library is opening up their doors for many fun filled days of free educational and enriching programs. The Summer Kick Off and Reading Club Celebration will be Thursday, June 3, from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m., at Buda City Park Pavilion. There will be free crafts, balloon twister, the JiggleBug Express and refreshments. For a complete list of summer programs, check out
Also on Thursday, June 3, the Buda Downtown Merchants invite all to come downtown for the First Thursday event. There will music, food and of course shopping in the Main Street area.
Around 1:30 p.m., on Thursday, June 3, members of the Onion Creek Senior Citizens Center in Buda will have the opportunity to hear our Sen. Lloyd Doggett speak on health care for seniors. The meeting is open to anyone in the community that would like to hear Sen. Doggett.
A beautiful wedding was held Saturday evening at Mandola Estate Winery in Driftwood uniting in marriage Megan Charron and Craig Odell. Family and friends shared the special occasion with the parents of the bride, Denice and Michael Charron and parents of the groom, Charlotte and Steve Quisenberry and Carrol and Denise Odell. Congratulations and best wishes to the Buda couple as they start their life as husband and wife.
Anniversary wishes go out to Nolan and Deanie Kunkel on May 30 as they celebrate their 51st wedding date. The Ramages, Sandra and Lamont, also have been married 51 years on May 31. Randal and Sara Grizzle will celebrate their ninth year of marriage on June 2. Congratulations to all.
Birthday wishes go out to Matthew Owens on May 27; Shirley LeFleur and Al Metz on May 28; Julie Dees, 13-year-old Lauren Fowler (a teenager now) and her mom, April Harris and three-year-old Tee Verver on May 30; Mary Giberson, Louis Malatek and Hays Free Press columnist Clint Younts on May 31; Pam Carolan celebrates her birthday the first day of June; Shirley DeBerry on June 2.
Manchaca VFW Post 3377 and Ladies Auxiliary will place flags on veteran’s graves at Live Oak Cemetery Saturday, May 29, starting at 8 a.m. The annual Memorial Day ceremony will take place at Live Oak on Monday, May 31 at 10 a.m. Students from Hays Jr. ROTC will participate with their honor guard and the playing of taps. The public is welcome to attend.