Graduations and rehearsals set
Graduation ceremonies for the 2010 graduating class of Jack C. Hays High School are set at Shelton Stadium for 8 p.m. Thursday, June 3. Graduation for Lehman High School is scheduled at Shelton Stadium Friday, June 4, at 8 p.m. Academy High School holds its graduation ceremony at the Performing Arts Center Saturday, June 5, at 2 p.m.
Graduation rehearsals – where families and friends are encouraged to come for picture taking – are set for all three schools. No one but graduates are allowed on the field the night of graduation. Academy High School rehearsal at the PAC is Friday, June 4, from 10 a.m. to noon. Hays High School hosts its rehearsal next Tuesday, June 1 at 6 p.m. Lehman High School rehearsal is Wednesday, June 2, at 6 p.m.
All three ceremonies will be streamed live in real time for the first time. To view the graduations online, go to the district website, and a link will be available on the home page. If you do not have the Microsoft Silverlight player already installed, you will be prompted to download it.
Summer school registration closing
Registration for summer school closes this Friday, May 28. Registration forms and packets are available on the HCISD website, Elementary summer school will be held at Science Hall Elementary and “JumpStart” summer school will be held at Tom Green Elementary. Middle school summer classes will be held at Chapa Middle School and high school classes will meet at Lehman High School.
On-line summer courses are also being offered to incoming 8th through 12th-grade students. Registration for Health and Desktop Publishing ends next Monday, May 31. Economics, U.S. Government and other classes are offered by the Texas Virtual School Network For information, visit and click “Virtual School.”
Lobo bands give final concert
A final fun-filled free concert is on tap this Friday, May 28, 6:30 p.m., as the Lehman High School Lobo bands perform at the Hays CISD Performing Arts Center. Marvin Housley directs the Concert Band, Chris Barrera directs the Symphonic Band, Sergio Ortiz leads the Winter Guard (Color Guard) and Joey Lucita directs the Lehman Wind Ensemble. Lucita says the concert closes with Godzilla Eats Las Vegas and says, “As cheesy as the Godzilla movies are…and as over the top as Las Vegas is…this one captures every bit of it!” Be warned!
Hemphill Garage sale rescheduled
Bad weather postponed Hemphill Elementary’s community garage sale earlier this month and the event has been re-scheduled for Saturday, June 5, 8 a.m.-noon. A wide variety of food, clothing, furniture and tools will be available, with rental fees from vendors going to the school.
Marine cadets to Harlingen
Five Hays High School Marine Corps JROTC cadets will attend a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) camp at the Marine Military Academy in Harlingen this summer. The cadets include junior Cody Powell and sophomores Jenna Kadjar, Carl Sheldon, Chris Koger and Arthur Hardwick. Junior Jamie Arlaus is an alternate.
Tobias beat goes on
More than thirty Tobias Elementary 5th-graders recently recited poetry—their original work and that of known poets—for an evening program in front of a packed house in the Explorers’ library. The “Beat Café” was the library décor and the scene was complete with tea, coffee and cookies. Art teacher Roisel Ramirez directed the students, who prepared for the program in small after-school groups mentoring one another with the help of other teachers.
Hemphill races to finish
Hemphill Elementary students recently got motivated in their campus “Race to the Finish” to read more than a half million pages in three weeks. Students in the winning classes of Irma De Los Santos and Natalie Martinez-Esparza received Scholastic Book Fair “bucks” to buy more books for their reading pleasure.
No Hate at Hornets Home
Tom Green Elementary received their No Place for Hate banner from Anti-Defamation League’s Megan Flowers at a school assembly recently. The Hornet Peace Makers activities that led to the designation included students signing a resolution of respect, making pinwheels of peace in art, Noche de Familia, and the Holidays Around the World Choir Concert. The Peace Makers conducted peer mediation, did “no bullying” skits at assemblies and handed out kindness coins and peace buttons to students “caught” being kind.
Rebels help Panthers
Kyle Elementary teacher Kerri Jones reports the recent visit of twenty Hays High School students to weed gardens, transplant plants, water and mulch new trees, trim trees and clean out the campus environmental center ponds. They also sorted and organized the campus recycling materials. Jones says the visiting Rebels were a huge help and true mentors for the young Panthers, adding that she was “extremely happy” to have the environmental areas cleaned and made ready for summer.
Art camps at Lehman
Lehman High School art teacher Debra Flynn will offer three summer art camps at Lehman including Backpacking through North and South America, June 14-18, Through the Lens – Photography, June 21-25 and Riding the Rail Across Europe, June 28-July 2. Camp registration is $70 for the first child and $50 for each additional child. The camp days run from 8 a.m.-noon. Registration is limited to 20 for each camp. For more information, contact Flynn at
KES offers summer camps
Summer camps are again offered at Kyle Elementary, all taught by certified, experienced teachers. Tuition is $115. A half-day basketball camp for students entering 2nd-6th grade is June 21-24, offering instruction on ball handling, shooting and dribbling. Tuition is $50. A half-day multi-sport camp is set for June 28-July 1, focusing on basketball, volleyball, tennis and soccer. Tuition is $50. For information or to register, contact Shelly Pruitt at