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June 3 is the last day of school in Hays CISD, and children will scatter like a covey of quail when the last bell rings. The old song, “No more teachers, no more books,” could not be farther from the truth if you talk to the staff at the Buda Public Library.
On the evening of June 3, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Buda City Park, the library will host the kick-off for its Summer Reading Program. Children from kindergarten through middle school can complete reading logs of the books that they finish during the summer months. On August 12, prizes will be awarded for the young people who challenged themselves to read during the summer.
Think of the literary characters that await your child’s imagination this summer. Everyone from “Clifford the Big Red Dog” and “Chicken Little” to Anne Frank and Percy Jackson will be on hand at the library. Storytimes on Tuesday and Wednesday encourage children to listen and imagine. Inventive Science Clubs invite young people to explore and think.
Of course, summer is the perfect respite from the structure of academic learning. The days of June and July and early August hold lots of time for family activities and vacations, swimming and catching fireflies in mason jars at twilight. All of that is for the good. However, the single best preparation for the next school year is some quiet time with books – on the couch, in the hammock or snuggled up next to Mom or Dad.
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