Odds & Ends
If you have driven along some country roads, you will have noticed the beautiful crops of corn, maize and cotton. Of course you would probably have to be a retired or working farmer or rancher to appreciate the beauty of the plants. If the hail and wind storms don’t come by, a “bumper crop” is in the hopes of all involved. Speaking of “bumper crops,” several gardeners have reported that the tomatoes and bean crops fit that category. The three inches of rain that fell last week was a welcome sight for all of us in the country.
Russell Schultz, a resident of Uhland since 1998 and employed by Time Warner Cable, has retired from the company after 21 years of service. During those years, he convinced them that Uhland was in need of the cable system.
Russ is a member of the Uhland City Council, a part-time worker at Club 21 and an enthusiastic motorcycle rider. Good luck in your retirement and don’t spoil your year-old granddaughter too much.
Happy birthday to Ruth Holt on June 14 and Ed Daugherty on June 19. Also happy anniversary to Pastor Carlson and Judy Jakubik on June 16.
It looks as though the K&J Woodworks is nearing completion. For more information and a grand opening date and time, read this column in weeks to come.
Did you fly your flag this past Monday? Several Flag Day services were held to honor our Flag.
Speaking of honoring, June 20 is Father’s Day. That’s at least one day we could and should honor our Dads, Fathers, Paw-Paws and Grandfathers. Wishing all fathers and fathers-to-be a happy day.