On Center
I smiled, but was not surprised, when I stumbled across a posting on the city website from our newly elected council member, Brad Pickett, announcing the implementation of monthly Town Hall meetings. The first meeting takes place tonight, June 16, at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Future meetings are on the docket for the third Wednesday night of each month to discuss issues ranging from the 2010-11 budget, to a review of the city charter, to hiring a new city manager. Throughout his campaign, Brad espoused his sincere belief in open and accessible government and, lo and behold, an honest politician.
And further down the block I see that Darlene Motley is throwing open the doors of the Motley Menagerie offering food, fashion and fun each Wednesday from noon until 2 p.m. The little green and purple house on west Center Street is trying to make summer in downtown sizzle with a bit of fashion and a spritz of chilled wine to help us all in hurdling that mid-week hump.
On Friday night, free fun for the whole family begins at sunset in Gregg-Clarke Park as the city once again hosts its popular summer movies series. This month, they are featuring “Planet 51”, an animated caper that turns the tables with humans being the weird-looking aliens “invading” a planet full of little green people. The reels start spinning around 9 p.m. so grab a blanket and head out under the stars for a night full of zaniness.
And, just a heads up, Kyle’s Montessori school is hosting its seventh annual Garage Giving next Saturday, June 26 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. In a great twist to the traditional Garage Sale, La Casa dei Bambini on Moore Street in south Kyle will be serving hot dogs, cupcakes and lemonade to everyone who ventures by. All of the items donated for this event will be absolutely free for the taking, so stop by and check it out.