Hays County this weekend will celebrate Juneteenth, the traditional commemoration of Texas slaves’ learning of their emancipation in 1865.
The celebration runs June 18-20 in San Marcos and includes a barbecue and cobbler cook-off, games, music, a parade, car and talent shows. Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.
“As Juneteenth jubilees remind us, the Emancipation Proclamation did not bring about emancipation. The Texas Juneteenth celebration is the nation’s oldest and most significant commemoration of the final freeing of the slaves,” said San Marcos city council member Chris Jones.
For information, visit the event’s website at Residents can also register for the parade, talent show, car show and cook-off competitions online. A new competition this year will feature a kids’ pork chop cook-off for children ages 10-16.
Proceeds from the festival go toward scholarships for Texas State University students.
The cook-off last year drew 39 cooks, said Pct. 1 Constable David Peterson, who helps organize the competition.