Buda Bits
There is still time to enter the Texas Hold’em Poker tournament sponsored by the Buda Lions Club. The tournament will be Sunday, June 27, 2 p.m., at the Onion Creek Senior Citizens Center, 401 Barton’s Crossing in Buda. Cost is $30 donation which will benefit the building fund for the senior citizens. Contact Richard Harlow at 512-626-4038 or richardharlow@austin.rr.com for more information or to sign up. First place winner will receive a Garmin GPS valued at $200. Many other prizes including prizes for all eight players at last table.
The free movie Friday night at Buda City Park will be “True Grit” which will start at 9 p.m. Be sure to bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the night.
Birthday wishes go out to Dane Gibbs and Randy McKee on June 17; Tom Campbell and Eric Patterson on June 18; Jo Burdette-Kinnett on June 22; Tommy Poer and Pam Smith on June 23
The crepe myrtles are loving these sunny hot days as they shine in all their colorful glory.
To all Dads, have a good Father’s Day on Sunday.