Mayor Lucy Johnson reads stories to a packed room at the kickoff party for the Kyle Community Library’s summer reading program. (Courtesy photo)
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The highlight of the kickoff party for the Kyle Community Library’s summer reading program was when Mayor Lucy Johnson read two stories to a packed room of attentive children.
People lined up waiting for the library to open on Wednesday, June 16. Children and the adults accompanying them followed train tacks made out of blue painter’s tape into the library’s community room to hear the mayor read. The tracks were part of this year’s summer reading theme, Catch the Reading Express.
Mayor Johnson read two books illustrated by her friend and former classmate Julian Hector. The first book, The Little Matador, was both written and illustrated by Mr. Hector. Laura Godwin wrote the second, which was entitled This is the Firefighter.
During the question and answer period following the stories, the mayor fielded incisive questions from Kyle’s younger citizens reflecting their real-world issues and concerns. To the question “Where did you learn to read?,” Mayor Johnson replied that she learned to read at school here in Kyle, just as members of her audience were. She also was asked how she picked the books she had just read to them.
Then everyone went outside to break a piñata that looked like Thomas the Tank Engine. In addition to candy from the piñata, partygoers munched on cookies from the Texas Pie Co. and sipped cups of punch.
Before and after story time, many people signed up for the summer reading program and checked out books. Many new books were put out for the first time, and most were checked out within the first hour. The usually crowded shelves of picture books have lots of room now, thanks to all the books being circulated. This is an excellent way to deal with the library’s crowded book shelves!
As of June 16, 1,125 people had signed up for the summer reading program, but we want more to participate—both children and adults. There are many raffle prize options for children, and adults can try their luck at winning one of two $25 Visa gift cards. Come to the Kyle Library, attend the fabulous programs we’ve arranged, read books and help us break last year’s record of 1,957 program participants!