I got a good laugh from this week’s Free Press article entitled “U.S. Foods Passes Go”.
In the article it referred to the “outcry from a group of citizens who said that the development would…mar the gateway to Buda.”
Please correct me if I’m wrong but my understanding is that the land on the north side of Main Street that is now home to that dilapidated rust bucket of a barn and other ramshackle buildings is owned by the chief opponent of the U.S. Foods project and financier of BudaFirst. Surely nothing could “mar the gateway to Buda” as much as that eyesore has done for going on years now. What I heard was that those buildings were somehow going to be incorporated into the Heep “upscale development”.
That kind of turns the meaning of upscale on its head. If that is the case I think the city should prod the developers into getting that accomplished immediately or condemn those buildings and remove them. Do they have a permit to store those buildings on that lot permanently?
Bob Caldwell