Central Texas children lost an advocate last week.
With the sudden death of former Tom Green Elementary principal Kathy Dittrich, there is a void.
Johnnie Katherine Hale Dittrich served as assistant principal and then principal of Green Elementary in the late 1980s before moving on to Wimberley and Marion.
At every school at which she served, Dittrich was known for fighting for children. As her son Richard said at the funeral, she knew that sometimes fighting the good fight means actually fighting. And she wasn’t afraid to take on anyone if she thought it would benefit a child.
Her philosophy was to love children everywhere – especially those the hardest to love, those that demanded attention, those that needed attention, those that needed hugs and discipline. Never worry that you’re doing too much, was her philosophy. There was never “too much” when it came to children.
But what does that have to do with students in school today? Is there a lesson we can take from Dittrich’s life?
It is a reminder that the best teachers and the best principals will fight tooth and nail for kids. Forget the regulations, the testing, the education classes. What children need are loving, caring teachers and principals who don’t give up. The best will argue a point and never let up until they know a student has been well served.
Hays CISD has some of those advocates leading schools today. Parents know who they are. They see it in the eyes and excitement of the teachers on campus; they know it in the hugs that the principal gets; they know it when their older children ask if they can go back and visit their old school.
Yes, education lost a guiding light when Dittrich lost her quick fight for her life. It was the one fight from which she could not arise victorious.
Our lesson? We need to make sure to listen to those “good” teachers and principals that we already have who are fighting for children. They might not fit in a mold; they might make waves. But they certainly have the children at heart.
They are the best advocates for children, and we need to make sure that we keep them.