Odds & Ends
Well, we missed the brunt of the storm. Several showers of rain are keeping the lawn mowers busy. The farmers welcomed the slow showers. Well, all but the hay raisers, kinda discouraging when the hay is on the ground, waiting to be baled.
Lots of reports of “great” plum, peach and fig crops this year, could this be the first of the seven bountiful years?
You may want to check your dogs. Dorothy Schneider reported several cases of parvo. Apparently it is wide-spread around Lockhart and of course Uhland. Gloria, veterinarian of the Lockhart Animal Clinic, suggests that all dogs be vaccinated, especially puppies, to prevent this deadly disease.
Get well prayers and wishes go to Judy Jakubik who will have surgery on a shoulder.
“Oma” Janice Sassman called to announce that she and Gordon are going to be grandparents. Daughter Randa and her husband, Mike Bishop, of Kyle are expecting their first child. Congratulations! There will be a lot of “haikling and staickling” – knitting, etc. by Oma Janice and “Tanta” Nancy, going on.
Coming for a visit and to wish Raymond Heideman an early but welcome birthday greeting last Thursday were Pauline and Herbert Schwertfeger. Don, Tracie and Logan Crowell came by on Saturday to wish Opa a Happy Birthday. Then Monday (his actually birthday) Clarence Heideman and Adelene Wisian brought a delicious pizza, which was enjoyed by all, including Danny Heideman, Terry Kleen and grandson Logan Crowell, who joined them Monday afternoon. Ray wishes to thank all for the cards, visits and telephone calls.
News came of the death of Betty Lou Kramer of Waco. Betty was the wife of the late Lesley Kramer who was born and raised in the Uhland community, as a matter of fact on the farm where Raymond and I are living. Betty leaves to mourn her passing two daughters, their husbands and several grandchildren. Sympathy to the family.