Hemphill Elem. Dia de la Familia Saturday
Hemphill Elementary hosts Dia de la Familia this Saturday, July 24, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., for the parents of all Hays CISD bilingual students. Parents will receive information on how to help their children at home and the importance of parental involvement. Hays County and other community services will also provide information. Children’s activities, door prizes and a light lunch are all part of the event. For more information, contact Irene Jimenez at 268-2141, ext. 8240.
New Student Registration coming
New student registration for Hays CISD elementary, middle and high school students is set for Monday and Tuesday, July 26-27, during regular school hours at the school the students will attend. Uncertain about which school that is? Call 268-2141. Parents will be asked to provide a birth certificate, immunization record, Social Security card or state ID and proof of residence.
Registration for the district’s two new elementary schools will be at neighboring elementary schools. Carpenter Hill Elementary registration will be at Elm Grove Elementary and Pfluger Elementary registration will be at Tom Green Elementary.
Carpenter Hill, Pfluger Elem.leveling set
The public is cordially invited to the Buda/Kyle mason’s cornerstone leveling ceremony for Ralph Pfluger and Carpenter Hill elementary schools. The ceremonies are set for Saturday, July 31. Ralph Pfluger Elementary, located at 4951 Marsh Lane (in Shadowcreek subdivision), will begin at 9 a.m. The ceremony at Carpenter Hill Elementary, located at 4410 RR 967, will begin at 10:30 a.m. Staff and volunteers will be offering tours of the schools following the ceremonies.
Carpenter Hill PTA offers tours
As noted above, tours of the opening elementaries will be offered following their leveling ceremonies. The Carpenter Hill Elementary PTA passes along word that, in addition to their Saturday, July 31 tours, the group will also offer a Friday, August 6, tour at 6 p.m.
Lobo Camp scheduled
Lehman High School’s annual Lobo Camp is set for Thursday, August 19, 6-9 p.m. The free camp offers incoming freshmen credit information, graduation requirements and tips on making academic career decisions. Other students and staff members offer fun activities to help get incoming freshmen connected and involved with their school. Participants must register and the necessary registration form can be found at http://www.hayscisd.net/LHS/default.htm. For more information, call 268-8454.
Cougar Camp on Tap
Chapa Middle School welcomes incoming students Friday, August 6. Cougar seventh and eighth graders join staff members on the fifth annual camp, designed to welcome incoming students and provide them with critical campus information, including structure of the school day, campus tours, clubs and school pride. The free half-day camp runs from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Registration is required by next Wednesday, July 28. For information or a registration form, contact Leah Cochran at 557-5380 or cochranl@hayscisd.net. Additional information and updates can be found at http://www.hayscisd.net/schools/CMS/index.htm.
Reb Band seeks volunteers
Hays High School band and Highstepper volunteers are being sought for fund-raising work next Wednesday-Saturday, July 28-31, at the Round Rock softball complex near Dell Diamond. Volunteers will earn money for their travel accounts by running concession stands and delivering ice via golf carts to play dugouts. Parents are needed, as well. To volunteer or for more information, contact Becky Fisher at 750-4697.