Buda Bits
A memorial marker honoring Austin policeman Clinton Warren Hunter, was placed near Onion Creek Parkway last week. Hunter was killed in the line of duty on Nov. 29, 2001 along the frontage road of IH-35 and Onion Creek Parkway. Hunter’s 11-year-old daughter, Mikayla, shoveled the first dirt for the five-foot gray granite memorial. Hunter was a U.S. Army veteran and Hays High School graduate.
Do you want to help the Buda senior citizens with a fundraising event that will add money to their building project? The seniors are planning a rummage sale on Sat., August 21 at the senior center. Clean your clutter and donate items in good condition to the seniors. For information please call 295-2416 or 295-2077. Donations can be dropped off at the senior center on Thurs. and Fri., Aug. 19 and 20.
Thanks to two helpful Rebels – that’s Travis Rebels. Gaynell and Mikel Conner just recently mailed out, in the form of CDs, memories of the 50th reunion of the Travis High School class of 1960, which was held a few months ago. Many Travis Rebels have moved south and now call the Buda area home. If you did not get a copy and would like to have one, call Gaynell at 295-3592.
Birthday wishes to out to Mike Manning and Ralph Pfluger on July 30; Eleanor Earley, Ginny Harlow and 95-year-old Helen McCaughan on July 31; Jesse Logan on Aug. 1; Commissioner Jeff Barton and Butch Grizzle on Aug. 2; Andrea Bishop, Alice Chisholm and Marguerite Gillis on Aug. 3.
Don’t miss the “Voices of Hays County” oral history series by the Hays County Historical Commission on Friday, July 30, at 6:30 p.m., at Buda Elementary School. Our very own Cecil Clark will be sharing memories of this area.
The next day, Sat., July 31, the public is invited to tour the new Carpenter Hill Elementary School located on RR 967. The Buda/Kyle Masons will have a cornerstone leveling ceremony at 10:30 a.m. and staff and volunteers will provide tours.
Also on Saturday, Boy Scout Troop 967 and Cub Scout Pack 118 will be collecting food for our local food pantries. If you received a yellow flyer on your door last weekend, please consider placing a bag of non-perishable food on your doorstep by 10 a.m. A scout will stop by to pick up your donations. If you use a plastic bag, the scouts will recycle it.
Another “First Thursday” is coming again. Come downtown Buda on Thursday, August 5 from 6-9 p.m. and enjoy our small town. Special treats and games will be in store for the children along with food and drinks at the various restaurants.