Odds & Ends
So you missed me – oh, I mean you missed the column. Thank you, but no one had any news worthy to report, or so they thought, so nothing to write.
Well, we did have a few exciting incidents. While cleaning their yard, some tenants discovered a hive of bees in an old unused camper trailer. Sorry to report five folks were sitting by the bees. All are reported ok. They were not the killer bees and a word of caution, keep your yard clean and be cautious of unused barrels, “trailers” etc.
Speaking of being cautious, slow down when you drive through Uhland on Highway 21. There are no caution signs, but there is crossroad traffic, people turning to go to the café and church. We need a traffic light, but so far no avail.
There was another auto and motorcycle accident on Highway 21 in Uhland last week. The cyclist was severely injured.
How about some good news? Barbara Hanna reports she delivered some 50 lap robes and bed covers to Hays Nursing Home in San Marcos and Deer Creek Nursing Home in Wimberley. She also visited with Linda Loep and Caroline Fuchs in Hays Nursing Home. Members of the Women’s Guild of St. John Lutheran Church made or gathered these items. Thanks ladies and thanks also to Barbara.
The Harvest Festival, sponsored by St. John Women’s Guild, will still be held in October, but the date had to be changed to October 23. The time of the event remains the same; only the date was changed because of conflicting events. So mark your calendar on Oct. 23. There will be a raffle, silent auction, country store with bake sale, a general store, jewelry store, cakewalk and children’s games. Donations are needed. A sign-up list will be put in the back of the church the first part of August.
Did you know that the kitchen in the community center is now air-conditioned? That will make the serving of the turkey and dressing dinner at the Harvest Festival, as one of my grandsons used to say, “more gooder.”
Happy birthday to George Lyons on August 4 and happy anniversary to William and Barbara Ilse on August 11.
The Women’s Guild of St. John Lutheran Church will meet Sat., August 6 at noon at the church rec center. Bring a dish of your favorite food and join the ladies for good food, fun and a business meeting. The Men’s Fellowship will meet at the St John Rec Center for breakfast and a few chores, but always some fun thrown in. Come join the group of ladies on Sat., Aug. 6 at noon or the fellers on Sat., the 13th of Aug. at 9 a.m.