Buda Bits
There was a crowd of folks on hand last Friday evening to hear the oral history of the area by Cecil Clark presented by the Hays County Historical Commission. Family and friends of Clark thank him for the memories as well as the historical commission for the “Voices of Hays County” oral history series.
Micki Garber is the proud grandmother of Evangelin McKay Russell born in Houston on July 23, 2010 at 6:39 p.m. The little miss was 20 inches long and five pounds, 14 ounces.
Belated anniversary wishes go out to Buda City Council member Todd Ruge and his wife Elizabeth. The couple celebrated their fourth wedding date together on Aug. 1.
Pediatric Junction on Railroad Street is celebrating their fifth year this month of giving special care to the young children in the Buda area.
Birthday wishes go out to Elmo Battles on Aug. 6; City Council member Todd Ruge, Dianne Duley and Eddie Ellison on Aug. 7; Clayton Hinkley and Ted Thayer on Aug. 8; Brigitte Tosch and Dennis Underwood on Aug. 10
Arveda Alzheimer’s Family Care will have a grand opening celebration Thurs., Aug. 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. The new facility is located at 645 RM 967, just west of Buda Primary School.
The Buda Area Chamber of Commerce will meet Wed., Aug. 11, for the monthly meeting at Good Shepherd Ministries at 401 RM 967.
Keep Saturday, August 21 in mind when you are cleaning out that closet, room, garage or whatever, where you have items in good condition that you could donate to the Onion Creek Senior Citizens. The group of seniors will have a “rummage” sale on Aug. 21 and they need your donations. For more information call 295-2416 or 295-2077.
If you would be interested in writing, reading or just listening to original poetry, give Richard Salassi a call at 312-9659. He is forming a group to meet once a month in Buda for that purpose.
Remember Thurs., Aug. 5 is “first Thursday” in downtown Buda. Ya’ll come on down.
Dog days of summer are really here… stay cool.