Odds & Ends
Many households are busy canning and freezing garden produce and peaches, figs, etc. Did you know that you don’t have to drive to Stonewall or Fredericksburg to get peaches? No. There is an orchard in Uhland.
The Sun Country Orchard is located at 190 N. Camino Real (Hwy 21). If you need more information or directions call Ollie or Gloria Maier at 512-753-2629. They have several varieties of peaches, figs, grapes, etc. They have garlic and hay for sale and swings for the kids to play on while you pick your own produce. You may want to call to see which produce is ready to be picked and if they are open. For you “old timers” this is the former farm where William and Pauline Hagedorn lived in the 40s and 50s.
Welcome to K & J Woodworks, who have moved to Uhland. According to the Uhland Star, there will be an open house on Friday evening, August 13, beginning at 7:30 p.m. for tours and fireworks at 9 p.m. Come out and greet this new business. It is located on Old Spanish Trail and FM 2720.
There are also other businesses such as Bon Ton, Five Star Concrete, Thompson Supply, Nona’s Café & Grill, Sun Country Orchard, Reid’s Nursery, Gordon’s Equipment, Elias’s Treasure Shop, Jim Roach Welding Shop, Hwy. 21 Septic Service, Club 21 and a yard maintenance company. All of these businesses are ready to serve you. They are located in various locations in Uhland. At one time Uhland had three grocery stores, two black smith shops, two salons, a bowling alley, a high school and elementary school, two churches (still does), cotton gin, grain elevator, lumber company and an automobile service station. Hopefully some of these businesses will return.
St. John Lutheran Church Women’s Guild will meet at the church rec center on Saturday, Aug. 7 at noon. Bring a covered dish or dessert and enjoy lunch. Plans are in the making for the Harvest Festival to be held at the community center on (note the date change) Oct. 23. Turkey and dressing dinner will be served and there will be a country store, bake sale, cakewalk and games for the youngsters. Ya’ll come.
The Men’s Fellowship of the St. John Lutheran Church will meet Aug. 14 at the rec center for breakfast at 9:00 a.m., maybe some chores to follow, if not, they always enjoy the breakfast and fellowship.
Marshall and Diana Fuchs of Houston spent the weekend on the “farm” and also visited with mother Caroline Fuchs. They, along with Aunt Gladys Sorrells, enjoyed eating out for lunch on Saturday.
Visiting with Raymond and Myrtle Heideman during last week were Terry Kleen, Debbie and Cooper Moore, Tracie and Logan Crowell, Clarence Heideman and Daniel Heideman.