Hays CISD sent a letter to parents today about the district’s Ebola prepardedness plans. While experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local emergency management offices believe the risk of the disease spreading to Hays County is low, Superintendent Mike McKie said he and his staff will remain diligent in monitoring the situation and communicating with families as appropriate.
Below is the letter, which includes a link to the Ebola page created by Hays CISD.
Dear Parents,
Overnight and this morning, we learned that Williamson and Travis County officials are monitoring residents that were on the plane with the Dallas nurse who tested positive for Ebola. I know with all of the news coverage and the proximity to our school district, you are paying close attention to this health concern.
We have not had any cases of Ebola or people being monitored for the virus in our district or community. However, we are staying alert and prepared. In fact, on Monday, we will be meeting with Hays County emergency management and local health department officials to ensure our contingency plans are up-to-date and coordinated.
In the meantime, I want to assure you that if we have an Ebola-related incident in our district, we will vigorously communicate with you throughout the situation as we do with any emergency. We have also prepared a web page that has information about Ebola, tips for parents to talk with children about the disease, and other information and news relevant to our district.
The quick link to the page is: www.hayscisd.net/ebola.
Thank you for your trust in Hays CISD.
Mike McKie