God’s mercies are new every morning. I went to bed with an empty tidbit basket and a noon deadline. I awoke to a Facebook post from my Plum Creek friend, Jaclyn Pettigrew.
“I just want to throw out a perspective to all of you that hate the Christmas stuff already …
I have divorced parents. So, as magical as they tried to make Christmas growing up, it was actually terribly hectic and stressful going between both families. I, now, decorate and begin celebrating early so that I can take it all in and truly enjoy it. When it comes down to it, Christmas Eve and Christmas day are pretty busy for most of us. So, I listen to the carols, enjoy lights and all else starting NOW! I very much enjoy and celebrate Thanksgiving too. However, there is no Thanksgiving music and I just don’t love the “Fall” decor. So, as soon as I became an adult, I chose to begin the Christmas season at the beginning of November.”
Thanks, Jaclyn. I cannot speak from experience about decorating at the beginning of November. I can speak about hectic and stressful Christmas seasons.
Putting out Christmas décor (or a newspaper column) ahead of time may be a more peaceful and delightful experience than waiting until the last moment. The Cass’s lights on Live Oak Court delight those coming home on Thanksgiving weekend. It doesn’t happen overnight. Val starts in October.
This Thanksgiving weekend, Loving Mountain City hopes to have City Hall decorated. What’s needed? A “lead” (coordinator), volunteers, and … decorations and lights.
To volunteer, either as lead or as a worker, contact Amy Hilton, lovingmountaincity@gmail.com or 512 517 4222.
Today (or tomorrow, through Sunday), please place Christmas decor donations, new or used, in front of the Loving Mountain City storage shed, behind the City’s recycling bin trailer. Amy hopes to have ample piecemealed décor by the end of this weekend, Nov. 9, in order to determine what’s missing.
The city, just this past month, provided the storage building space so that Loving Mountain City property stays separate from official city property in the City Hall’s garage, such as the new street signs coming soon!
The contract for street sign installation was awarded to Hands & Feet, owned by our own Eric Perucca. Street signs will arrive soon.
If ever you have given thought to attending a city council meeting, the meeting Monday, Nov. 10, looks to be quite interesting. And Mayor Tiffany Curnutt sent word that it will be long. “We will be addressing the ramp replacement at the city hall, standardizing meeting dates, poultry variances, swearing in our new aldermen and mayor, and discussing the Anthem Consent Development.”
What is the Anthem Consent Development? It’s serious business. Clark Wilson Homes hopes to put about 2,200 homes directly behind Mountain City, with entrance from FM 150. How many homes is 2,200? So far, Plum Creek “only” has about 1,700.
Check the Hays Free Press archives for the 9/17/2014 front page article, “Water Woes: 2200 new homes raise concern”. It talks about concern for Mountain City.
Woe is me if I do not have tidbits to compose this column. Please send to ptom5678@gmail.com (subject: Tidbit) or phone 512-268-5678. Thanks! Love, Pauline