Montage’s looming deadline leaves me without the rest of the story. Here I am, wandering around in emails.
I started with, “What does misc-84 mean? Mark, please explain your agenda item. Why would an interlocal agreement be needed? What might it do? Sorry I have no clue.”
Commissioner Jones’ (cryptic to me) agenda item for April 28 Commissioners Court reads, “Discussion and possible action to authorize the County Judge to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Kyle, the City of Mountain City, and Hays County, related to road improvements, extra territorial jurisdictions, and water supply.”
He replied, “The interlocal would allow the County to do the work and supply equipment to re-do the roads in Mountain City and for the City of Kyle to extend water to Mountain City’s commercial area on the east side of FM 2770. That’s a brief explanation feel free to call me for more detail.”
I asked (because sweetness in thoughts was followed by unpleasant after kick), “Would this relate in any way to the proposed Anthem development?”
Commissioner Jones answered, “Yes. Give me a call later. I can give more detail.”
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Mountain City Wildlife provided a clear in-the-daylight tidbit just as the Monday clock hit 12:00 o’clock noon’s deadline.
RonTom, from our office window, “Quick! Two baby armadillos!”
Outside, it was three blind (almost blind) baby armadillos, and then a fourth. What fun, wandering here and there around with baby armadillos as they rooted insects.
I know, it will not be fun when they get larger and the holes get larger.
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In the dead of night’s bright lights and booming sounds at 2:00 a.m., Bridget Garraway Facebook’d, “Hi my name is Bridget and I have panic attacks in thunderstorms ESPECIALLY when having to drive in them! This wind and lightning is cray.”
I panicked and prayed thinking, “texting and driving.” Alas, she was safe at home on Maple Drive.
With morning light, in came an FB notification alert from Penny Moulder on Poplar, “It was a heck of a storm last night. Toppled my corn.”
Commissioner Jones will once again hear an inbox ding from me. The proposed Corridor C for the FM 150 realignment (see could topple Tim Miller’s organic farmer living (see story here). Several Mountain Cityians receive a Friday delivery of glorious organic produce (no GMOs) grown with no ground water delivered from Millberg Farm. The county’s preferred corridor for FM 150’s alignment ranges from almost touching his property line to close to the Blanco River. I’ll ask that the county find a way to ensure than neither the farm (including air quality, which is a factor in organic gardening, according to Tim Miller) nor the river suffer consequences with a major four-lane divided roadway.
Corridor A plan, the citizen’s preferred alternative (from the citizens who expressed a preference), would topple the peace and quiet of Mountain City, running between Hays High and Barton Middle School.
It’s not a done deal. It’s not too late to make some noise to Commissioner Jones, or 512-517-2925. He makes himself available by cell phone anytime.
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It’s not too late to send a tidbit for next week’s Montage. 512 268 5678. (subject: TIDBIT)
Thanks! Love, Pauline