Submitted report
The definition of extraordinary is “extremely good or impressive,” which is an appropriate description of the talent displayed by Mathis Hearns, an offender serving the last six months of his sentence at the Kyle Correctional Center. The Kyle facility is a drug treatment facility that houses offenders from all over the state. The facility is operated by Management & Training Corp. (MTC) for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ).
Hearns came to the facility and quickly stood out among his peers with his talent for art. The portrait (shown in photo) was an assignment given to Hearns, completed in mere hours. He was tasked with rendering a pencil drawing of the founder of MTC, Bob Marquardt, for display in the lobby area.
When interviewed about his abilities and aspirations in life, Hearns admitted to having his talents realized at a young age. When he was in junior high school, he won several art contests at local rodeos. However, he was unable to fulfill his destiny. When he was 16, his mother passed away.
He dropped out of school in the tenth grade and quickly turned to a life of crime to help support his older and younger sisters. He tried to get his life back on track by entering an art institute for photography but was unsuccessful in removing himself from his former activities. He was arrested and is now completing his sentence at the drug treatment program.
Hearns, now 21, will be returning to society after completing this program. When asked what inspiration or words of encouragement he could give to someone, he said, “Think before you act.”